A Tale of Two Teammates | Stages of Group Development

A few weeks ago I began to ideate and consider the topics that I would be excited to write about. I’ve joined teams and formed new teams in different contexts over the years even beyond the professional corporate environment I’ve spent years growing in – academics, recreational sports, associations and boards, etc. I have not, however, had such a purposeful experience forming a team with someone who is dedicated to living out what they teach and offer their community everyday as Melanie does.

In true Honeycomb fashion, we reference the Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development, a model we share with teams to help them recognize and validate their journey in understanding and cultivating better partnerships across the team.

We hope this short and sweet pair of videos from us brings you a bit of joy and a bit of wondering as it relates to your own experiences with forming a new team and going through the stages of group development.

What stages have you and your team gone through over these last few months? How surprised would you be if your teammates had a difference experience? 

Let our story at Honeycomb be one example of how the stages of group development can be seen, felt, and navigated with ease when you have genuine relationships on your side.

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